The Mission
The mission of Foundation Church is the same mission Jesus gave his followers: Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
The Vision
Our purpose is to bring glory to God by leading people to reproduce disciples of Jesus Christ of all nations through intentional discipleship (The Model of Jesus Christ) by the power of the Holy Spirit. We believe the heartbeat of Jesus' model was built on three underlying principles: Intentional, Relational, Investment. Everything Jesus did with the disciples was intentional so that they would carry out His masterful plan. Therefore, our goal is not to create another program but rather to teach God’s people to “make disciples of Jesus” as Jesus did with the twelve during His earthly ministry.
our values
Jesus is our message.
The foundation for everything we do and say is the message of Jesus. This message inspires hope, reconciliation, joy, peace, love and most of all salvation. Our methods may change or look different, but our message always stays the same.
People are our passion.
We have a heart to see people the way God sees them with love, acceptance, potential and gifted. We value everyone including those not yet born and we strive to empower each other's strengths and overcome our struggles to serve an amazing God, together.
Love is our spirit.
We want everything we do to be clothed in the love of God because God’s love is life changing. We speak and serve from a heart of love from God so we can be a well of life to others.
Servant leadership is our identity.
The best title we can have is servant and our identity is to be known as a church that is helping people increase their leadership capacity for God. If broken people are growing and being used of God then we call this a win.
Generosity is our privilege.
We believe generosity speaks the language of faith and reflects the glory of God. When we are generous, we are giving of our time, talents, and treasures to help change lives and give back praise to our God.
The foundation for everything we do and say is the message of Jesus. This message inspires hope, reconciliation, joy, peace, love and most of all salvation. Our methods may change or look different, but our message always stays the same.
People are our passion.
We have a heart to see people the way God sees them with love, acceptance, potential and gifted. We value everyone including those not yet born and we strive to empower each other's strengths and overcome our struggles to serve an amazing God, together.
Love is our spirit.
We want everything we do to be clothed in the love of God because God’s love is life changing. We speak and serve from a heart of love from God so we can be a well of life to others.
Servant leadership is our identity.
The best title we can have is servant and our identity is to be known as a church that is helping people increase their leadership capacity for God. If broken people are growing and being used of God then we call this a win.
Generosity is our privilege.
We believe generosity speaks the language of faith and reflects the glory of God. When we are generous, we are giving of our time, talents, and treasures to help change lives and give back praise to our God.